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Metamask: ERC721 Open Zeppelin (BUY NFT) : function buy(_tokenID) gives error: “Fail with error ‘ERC721: approve to caller'” in Polygon

Tille: “EPROVE: Accept for caller” Error/Mamask: ERC721 opens Zepplin.

Presentation: *

Welcome! I will be happy to help the Notb3 developers, Parctic Tharully’s Polygacha Blockchain. In this article we are studying NHYY “ERC721: Accept for caller”

Understanding Publication: *

“ERC711: Accept for the caller” in his case it is related to the way the Opzepppein ERC721 contract works when used in Bfts’s Domemask. The special Cire is due to an agreement approved by Token.

rc711 and approval: *

When the RCLOY ERCLOY ERCPOC721 contract with Neeegon with a Blockchain platform, it will inherit some Somerit-in compounds to assume and buy and buy andll nysadlfeding ualffadg nocowgpple nofowg fourfftts uplobertinen. Howest, Thsis Funniality Reisserret to accept transitions to certain tokens Betting for the transfer transferor.

Problem wotmamask:

Metamask: ERC721 Open Zeppelin (BUY NFT) : function buy(_tokenID) gives error:


Whan Woo you uke uk Xeoy (Teenid) Kenation or ERC721 agreement, it invites ucration (thi, tso, tsocicict) Toaken. The school is placed without any oror.

Solution: **

If you want to solve the issue and a successful UKUY (___ chanid) Fund on the ERC721 Conttract Simamask site, follow the steps:

  • Install Openzepingul’s ERC721 Controvect : Makes you install the Openzeplein ERC721 with the use of web3.js or simulaical library.

  • SES Up Mamask wallet : Ennrers that you have a Seise set and you combine the Melemask wallet Blockchain -Muttoming).

  • Ute Ukuk (Tokino) Cleakrove *: Calling Kubuy (Tekinid) Disorders, Passerprise Book, Unsment, Axeder book. How to accept (printer) _Mountalced before applying NFT.

Here’s an updated version of your code:


const ne r è r e require (‘web3);

/ Assume you make a new ERC721 agreement using WEB3.

Async Funity Buyft (Teenid, _owner, _MoMENT).


/// GES OPZEPPED ERC721 contract expression

CONSTIST ERC721 XAAA Ers.AgetConFactcoth (‘OPAP [‘ ‘Opastelirning);

// Start and tie the agreement

Consinkonstance der der wat eRC721.Deploy ();

Awares tokenner.Deployed ();

/ Call Ukall

Constast Regasult Nyait tokenninstance.buy (Teenid, _owner,

Return result;


console.erro (” ” ” error);

Error error; /AR re -throw an error to attach it to the stack

Ee ee

Ee ee

// Using Xammple:

Established polygonaddrenaddre wo x minytpps: //polygon.o/ ”; / Replace the Polygooon block chains with your addresses

Const tokenid d wo ‘0x … EE; / Replace Nyi WO desired ERC721 – KUN ID

Mineral owner x0 …. ee; A/ Replace Will Memamask with your addresses

Const Woin / Replace with the amount you want to buy

Disynft (Tokenid, Owner, Amout)


Console.log (Reult);


.Catch ((error) => {

console.erro (” ” ” error);





In the Fam by the Tess phase and without updating the implementation of without jumping before using UPDING, be sure to replace Lacelalders (eg YHTPS: // Popolygo/Ponzi/Night, —Tenid they real cast.


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